VCDC Nepal

by DreamWork Solution



VCDC Nepal is the mobile application built under the Vegetable Crop Development Center (VCDC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. This app is the sole property of the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Department of Agriculture, National Center for Potato, Vegetable and Spice Crops Development and is intended for the public service free of cost.This mobile application includes the official information of VCDC, notice flow to farmers, vegetable growers and agriculture stakeholders, publications and materials for vegetable production along with information about the released varieties of vegetables in Nepal and price of the seeds and seedlings of vegetables, resulting to be much beneficial for the farmers, vegetable growers or agriculture stakeholders. This application facilitates agriculture stakeholders to make online demand of seedlings and seeds and also to make direct connection with VCDC for effective information flow.